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‘Walking tour’ through Hoorn with Mella Jaarsma and Julian Wijnstein

Participate in the walking tour though Hoorn with Mella Jaarsma & Julian Wijnstein, as part of Your Gold is not Our Glory by Mira Asriningtyas & Dito Yuwono.
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During their long term residency at Hotel Maria Kapel, curator Mira Asriningtyas and artist Dito Yuwono developed an exhibition and public program that critically reflects on the history of Hoorn from a decolonial Indonesian perspective: Your Gold is not Out Glory. At the exhibition’s end, Mella Jaarsma, one of the exhibiting artists, together with storyteller and theater maker Julian Wijnstein organize a walking tour along notable sights in Hoorn, where more nuanced perspectives are added to the way history has been told. 

Departing from a curiosity in spatial historical narrative and the overlapping of public and private domains, this part of the study encourages phenomenological investigation into “spatial politics” of the “political space”. Even if the infrastructure changes; the values, trauma, as well as memory of the subject perpetuate. The city becomes a portal that connects the past with today’s perspective and the future; as well as becoming a site where political -narratives reside and where transfer of values, understanding, and experience are being made and contested. Through this walking tour, Mella Jaarsma and Julian Wijnstein will take the audience for a stroll along the city, discussing sights, findings, and shared history from different perspectives. 

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