Project: Constant companion
Artist: Minne Kersten

Residency: 1 maart – 22 april 2021
Exhibition: 23 April – 29 May 2021
Art History School: 7 mei 2021 
Finissage: 29 mei 2021

With Constant Companion, artist Minne Kersten presents a new and comprehensive work that relates to both her film- and sculptural practise. The project addresses the concept of mourning and loss and is the first project of HMK’s 2021 year programme On Shelter.

Bio: Minne Kersten

Minne Kersten (NL) lives and works in Amsterdam. Her work has a literary approach: she tells visual stories and constructs sculptural environments that support these stories or add to their reading and interpretation. She works with installations, videos, sculptures and paintings which form the backdrop of a fictional world. In this world -which has its own often absurd logic that blurs the boundaries of reality and the imagined- people, objects and architectural elements find new relationships with each other. She recently was a participant at De Ateliers from 2018-2020. She graduated from de Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2016, where she holds a BFA at the Image & Language department. In 2018 she participated in the Slow Writing Lab (the post-graduate trajectory of the Dutch Foundation for Literature).


In this context, the artist developed a new video installation bringing forth the mythological figure of the Raven as its main protagonist. The Raven is introduced as a creature that inhabits a dual world: it can navigate between the outside and inside world by flying through windows and doors. Likewise, this duality is present in the way it is interpreted: it can be seen as a real bird (reality) or as a metaphor (fiction). Kersten uses the figure of the Raven as a leitmotif to speculate about concepts like Stone Tape Theory and Place Memory. Both these concepts hold the idea that some buildings are receptive to the energy produced by traumatic or emotional events, which they record and store. This speculation holds the animistic idea that surroundings can talk or even take care of us if we are able to listen to them.

When looking for a way to narrate a tale of space, I became increasingly interested in the figure of the Raven to give the work a non-human presence and flip the hierarchy between objects, things and humans. The Raven is a bird with strong symbolic connotations; they are often interpreted as an omen, connected with tragedy and darkness – or seen as spirits from the supernatural world. It is less commonly known that they are highly intelligent and socially advanced animals, often living in family constellations and mourning rituals.’

Kersten is investigating how symbolism is created in the aftermath of grief, hereby building on the idea that there is an archive of knowledge stored by the non-human witnesses of our lives. When life presents itself in the midst of grieving, people tend to read significance in the occurrence of the natural world, in order to feel that life still offers meaning. In Constant Companion, several interpretations are allowed to exist next to each other and create friction between symbolism and reality. By repurposing a domestic scenery as the backdrop for a twisted fable, attention is drawn to how the domestic is intended to satisfy our need for protection, comfort, and affirmation, but that this space is often multidimensional and can hold a multiplicity of stories and emotions.


Film trailer: Constant Companion

22 May 2021
2021, 4K Video, 16:9, color, stereo, 7.48 min cycle installation view Hotel Maria Kapel, NL

Art History School; Verstrooide Vrienden

7 May 2021 - The Art History School; Scattered Friends', an interactive art history lecture, responding to Minne Kersten's exhibition 'Constant Companion', provided by art historian Matisse Huiskens, took place at Hotel Maria Kapel and was streamed live via Insta Live and documented on YouTube.

Minne Kersten invited Maria Barnas (1973), poet & visual artist to make a textual contribution to the Constant Companion exhibition.

Minne Kersten invited Maria Barnas (1973), poet & visual artist to make a textual contribution to the Constant Companion exhibition.

Of the raven, Maria Barnas

What remains of a raven inside a home
that is not desolate
and the trees
upside down in the wall filling out
their shape up to the finest
nerve roots
that do not care
if I do or do not see a creature from
another world in the bird that is
the raven who does not mind if I do
or do not find words
for feathers raising
in the nape of my neck
at the slightest sound
a pressing future
in the wall
but what about the song ravens
share when they gather around a
dead one of them
in the middle and they sing
in a language
the raven spreads wings
sings into the walls
what takes what
does not take place
between us.


SMET - Shelter in Place